Great investment property in Whitehall featuring Village water and sewer. Spacious kitchen, dining room and Livingroom are a blank canvas ready for your vision to become a reality! Property has 4 bedrooms, 3 up and 1 down w/ the possibility of a 4th downstairs that currently has the washer & dryer hook-up. House is currently winterized. Cash or 203(k) loan only. Minutes to beautiful Lake Champlain, quick drive to Lake George/Adirondack Region, Vermont State and more!
- Antigüedad: Más de 50 años de antigüedad
- Amenidades: Puerto
- Estilo arquitectónico: Colonial
- Hogar: Hogar
- Pisos: Vinílico, A leña
- Sistema de calefacción: Zócalo, Hogar, Agua caliente
- Área del lote: 0.22 Acres